Monday, December 7, 2009

Year End 2009


Thank you for all your support over this last year. Praying that this Christmas season is one that is full of God's joy.


Trevor and Mally


Ponto do'Oura 12th Anniversary Celebrations

Celebration day Sunday 29thNov 12 years after dedication of the new Church

Youth Choir

Childrens choir

Mens choir

Dedicatory prayer for those seeking the “Gift of Eternal life”

Celebration Dinner

Ladies in the kitchen preparing the meal

Birthday cake for all

Biscuits “galore” for the children

November 2009

Donnybook in the Bulwer Area - KwaZulu Natal

A tornado hit this area causing devistaion, Macedonian Ministries was able to offer help with disaster relief parcels.


Relief parcels

October 2009

Bergville Mission Trip

A team from Wakefield Baptist Church in North Carolina, USA joined a team from Florida Baptist Church in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Highlights for the trip included house visitation with the distribution of food buckets.

Preparing Food Buckets

Receiving gifts

The team was able to help with the construction of the roof trusses for the new manse.

We had bumper crowds of children attending the childrens outreach.

Zwelisha New manse
Since the trip to Bergville - the Newly completed home for Pastor and Mrs Able Gumbi.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thank you letter for Grampa Eayrs' Life


Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
On the 23rd September at 8.40pm Dad, ( Hugh Eayrs) passed into the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, after a long and very fruitful life in the service of His Lord and Saviour at the age of 88 years.

This happened after the Lord granted me my last wish for Dad, that I have the privilege of caring for him, as he completed his journey through the “valley of the shadow of death”. While at times sad and stressful, because he had to persevere with extreme suffering towards the end, it has nevertheless been a most blessed and comforting journey for me and hopefully one through which God has been glorified.

Dad was my last surviving parent, Mom passed away in 2002 and Mally parents a decade before. So for the first time in my life I`m at the helm and am beginning to understand the dynamics of this new reality in my life

I`m realizing more and more significance of:
~ God in His Sovereignty choosing Dad to be the father through whom I would be brought into the world
~ God in His Providence giving me Dad with all his natural talents (sporting, engineering, social environmental, pioneering) and Christian spiritual gifts (helps, evangelism, mission, caring) to be one of my most cherished mentors.
~God growing Dad’s insatiable love for the transforming truth of the Word of God.
~Dad as the head of the home, calling on God in prayer for his Sons + daughters, grand children and great-grand children and the people of Africa
~Dad living in a shrinking world and ailing body, manifesting a commitment to persevere to the end with an invincible Faith in Christ that was accepting of all that God was permitting the devil to throw at him.
In the final hours of his life, when pain was wrecking his whole body, we spoke together of how Jesus “would never leave us nor forsake us….” Yes Son, you are right, he said; “ He knows the way I take and when He has tested me I will come forth as pure gold” Job 23v10

Now that he is gone, I know that I will never again have the privileged benefit of his
discipleship, fatherly care and advice, inspiring example, discipline and encouragement and passionate prayer.

What I think I will miss most, is the Godly confident with whom I was always able to receive counsel, on things theological ,missiological, personal and eternal.
Why do I tell you all this?
For two reasons
Firstly, to have you share in my Thanksgiving to God for the father he gave me.
If God should bring me to mind in your prayer times, please ask the Lord to keep me, like Dad, “faithful to the end”
Secondly, to Thank you in Jesus name for your most blessed ministry into Dad’s life over the past seventy years.
From the moment of his conversion, at differing levels, and through various means, so many of God’s children have invested in his life. As far as I know, you are one of them. It may have been your pastoral ministry over a number of years, or a one sentence prayer on one occasion. Together this tsunami of corporate ministry, by God’s grace; as ‘some sowed and others reaped’ enabled Dad to be a blessing to others.
As one who benefited, possibly more than others, I want to say thank you ; thank you very much for allowing God to make you a blessing to Dad so that he in turn was able to be a blessing to others

May our Lord bless you and reward you and keep you faithful to the cause of the Gospel until our ministry on earth is done.

Warm Christian Greetings


Port St Johns Mission Trip

Port St Johns July 2009

We received a team under the leadership of Pastor Jimmy Pulley from the USA to visit the Lusikisiki Circuit in Pondoland, Port St Johns - South Africa.

Pastor Jimmy preaching the word at Ngobeni church.

Pastor Xhoko and his wife were our host leaders for this circuit of churches.

Clothing parcels were distributed to various congregations.

Annette shared the gospel to children.

A celebration service was held at Mgugwane church.

Glendora Chipman was an inspiration to all as she shared her triumph in Christ over the tragic death of her husband, Otis. The Mgugwane church stands as a tribute to Otis’ ministry.

A traditional meal was prepared by the ladies of Louqueni
which was shared in Pastors Xhoko’s new manse.

The team ministered the gospel at theChristian School in Port St Johns.

Those with health problems received medicine from ‘Sister’ Georgeanna.

PRAISE THE LORD for this time to share His love and wonderful Gospel with so many.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Botswana Mission Trip - July 2009

“In Partnership for Botswana”

For ten days in June 09, 14 Short Term Missionaries from Multi Ministries, Macedonian Ministries, N B A, North Carolina, Florida Baptist Church JHB and Zimbabwe united together to preach the Gospel in Francis town, Botswana.

Fellowship around the camp and study of God's Word together all added to a meaningful time of ministry.

Working together with 11 local Pastors and their churches all possible means were used to impact the local community for Christ.

Through personal testimony,

drama, music

Tract & Scripture distribution,

Preaching in schools, prisons, refugee camps, churches, tents, on the streets and in market places and many homes,

At ladies meetings, children’s meetings and lunch hour meetings the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented as the only means of receiving Eternal Life.

The Restoration Center have a unique ministry to orphans. At a special service they are invited to receive a gift of provisions together with speical love from the church family. What joy and relief to find God as thier Father and share with "brothers & sisters" in the Lord to heal the hurt of being alone.

And Praise God, it was an “in season” time for sharing The Faith. Many, many listened and large numbers, with out coercion, but in response to sincere invitations to “seek and find the Saviour”; took steps to receive Christ into their lives.
Most significant for the team was the prevalence of young adult males who expressed their desire to be converted.

Gods, convicting power of sin and the need of Salvation was evident at all times
Playing itself out in lives of people who hearing the Gospel could no longer live with enmity between themselves .and Almighty God - at 8.30 pm on Friday night a phone conversation went like this…. “Pastor I was at the lunch hour meeting today and God revealed my sin. I’m living in Fear of God and the consequences of my sin. I’m too afraid to go to sleep. What can I do to ‘make peace with Him?”

On reflection, the leadership of the Botswana churches together with the “Short Termers” agreed that we had seen the mighty hand of God at work for the extension of His Kingdom on Earth.

Whereto from here? We have been asked to return in 2010 as part of the fulfillment of a 5 year partnership in Evangelism/mission.

Anyone who may be feeling the nudge of the Holy Spirit for you to be a part of this initiative is invited to contact any of the following:- Rev Harold Peasley, Emile Moneron, Trent Eayrs or Trevor Eayrs. - PACK YOUR BAGS AND COME!
With deep appreciation to those who sent us, and thansksgving to God for all that was achieved through this ministry

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ministry Report [February-April 2009]

To all the Co-workers of Mac. Min.
Greetings from the Team of Church Planters in South Africa and Mozambique.
We are very thankful to God for this group of men and women who soldier on for God. Their faithful indomitable spirit is an inspiration to us Here are some highlights from ministry.

Mally an I recently visited the Co-ordinator of Ministry (Pastor Ernesto and His family in the Maputo Province of Mozambique.) This was mainly for the purpose of assessing the ministry, to fellowship and inspire the leadership as well as deliver commodities and medicine. We were blessed to hear and experience some thing of what God continues to do in building His church across our borders, but the extreme conditions under which these folk have to live/exist and minister (climate, poverty, lack of services, disease) was once again very painful to observe. Please pray for Mozambique.

The Congregation at Zwliisha have already completed 1000 blocks for the new manse. Doors, door frames, windows(glazed and burglar proofed), toilet, wash hand basins and kitchen cupboard and sink are already on sight Pastor Gumbi and his wife have relocated to rented accommodation in Zwelisha and His ministry has started well. They are expecting their first child in 2 months time Pastor Peter Mkonto has commenced a 1year pastoral contract at Madadeni Baptist church. God is blessing this development, the church attendances are very, very encouraging and many new people are attending

A qualified consultant has agreed to assess the Nayantini building and his report on its suitability for the roof to be added is pending Pastor Dumisa and his wife have commenced their new pastorate at Sundabile Further discussions have taken place re the call of a Pastor to Mbaswana. The local congregations are very grateful for the assistance suggested by the NBA Missions Committee; that this pastor be called with the express purpose of reaching out to the Shembe at Nobokazi Should this NBA initiative be realized, some money from the Shembe outreach would be used to help with his financial support for 1 year. I recently preached at Mbaswana and Manzibomvu. Both services were very well attended. God blessed these worship services. Praise God for His faithfulness in these regions.

Preaching at Kentani (circuit) Easter convention was a most blessed and enriching experience for Mally and I. Approximately 150 Baptists from the region gathered at Evangeli Xhosa Bible School in Kentani from Thursday evening to Sunday midday. In addition to the preaching/teaching /celebration sessions 5 new converts were baptised and + 10 children dedicated and a number of folk sought the Lord in Salvation. The sense of the presence of the Lord and spirit of expectation among those who were there was for Mally and myself the greatest blessing. We came away more convinced than ever that Jesus Christ is head of His church and that He is still building it for the Glory of God. Hallelujah Very ambitious plans are under discussion for the development of this strategically positioned piece of land.

Missions Committee is considering the urgent need for the best “Way forward” at Donnybrook. The sustainability of the recently planted church in this area is under investigation and a report is pending

Second year students Matomane Mthandazelwa, Joseph Kubheka, Mpithi Siphiwo. And final year student Anele Kungwana (picture below) are all progressing well

Prayer Need: Funding for these students, fees, accommodation and books.

For your praise and thanksgiving · Health, energy and protection in the Work of God · God’s provision of Resources for ministry · Open doors for preaching the Gospel · 300 seater tent · Gods faithful blessing on all that we seek to do in His name

With joyfulness
Trevor Eayrs