Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Botswana Mission Trip - July 2009

“In Partnership for Botswana”

For ten days in June 09, 14 Short Term Missionaries from Multi Ministries, Macedonian Ministries, N B A, North Carolina, Florida Baptist Church JHB and Zimbabwe united together to preach the Gospel in Francis town, Botswana.

Fellowship around the camp and study of God's Word together all added to a meaningful time of ministry.

Working together with 11 local Pastors and their churches all possible means were used to impact the local community for Christ.

Through personal testimony,

drama, music

Tract & Scripture distribution,

Preaching in schools, prisons, refugee camps, churches, tents, on the streets and in market places and many homes,

At ladies meetings, children’s meetings and lunch hour meetings the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ was presented as the only means of receiving Eternal Life.

The Restoration Center have a unique ministry to orphans. At a special service they are invited to receive a gift of provisions together with speical love from the church family. What joy and relief to find God as thier Father and share with "brothers & sisters" in the Lord to heal the hurt of being alone.

And Praise God, it was an “in season” time for sharing The Faith. Many, many listened and large numbers, with out coercion, but in response to sincere invitations to “seek and find the Saviour”; took steps to receive Christ into their lives.
Most significant for the team was the prevalence of young adult males who expressed their desire to be converted.

Gods, convicting power of sin and the need of Salvation was evident at all times
Playing itself out in lives of people who hearing the Gospel could no longer live with enmity between themselves .and Almighty God - at 8.30 pm on Friday night a phone conversation went like this…. “Pastor I was at the lunch hour meeting today and God revealed my sin. I’m living in Fear of God and the consequences of my sin. I’m too afraid to go to sleep. What can I do to ‘make peace with Him?”

On reflection, the leadership of the Botswana churches together with the “Short Termers” agreed that we had seen the mighty hand of God at work for the extension of His Kingdom on Earth.

Whereto from here? We have been asked to return in 2010 as part of the fulfillment of a 5 year partnership in Evangelism/mission.

Anyone who may be feeling the nudge of the Holy Spirit for you to be a part of this initiative is invited to contact any of the following:- Rev Harold Peasley, Emile Moneron, Trent Eayrs or Trevor Eayrs. - PACK YOUR BAGS AND COME!
With deep appreciation to those who sent us, and thansksgving to God for all that was achieved through this ministry