Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Dear Fellow workers
God is graciously good to us. All the time and its in His name that we greet you at the beginning of this new year of opportunity

Thank you for your part in the ongoing ministry here in South Africa, where our attempts to extend the Kingdom of God enjoy His faithful blessing. It is our joy and privilege to represent you and your mission objectives.

Here are some of our hopes for 2010
1) Mission training, development and evangelism at Manzibomvu/Mbaswana, Zululand. A Team of 30 will include 18 students from Baptist Theological college. Johannesburg South Africa for whom a Short Term Missions Trip is mandatory during their 2nd yr of studies = March 2010

2)Easter Convention – Seminar on Baptist Principles in the Centane District (Former Transkei- Xhosa people) = April 2010

3) Outreach/ practical Training of least Reached peoples group at Lake Kariba : Zimbabwe. OR
Church planting of English speaking International Baptist Church; Ponto do Oura, Mozambique. = June 2010.

4) Establishment/ Building of Christian High School under the directorship of local Baptist Church at Ponto do Malegane, Mozambique. This will be a 2 year project and requires vast sums of money; some of which may come from the government of Mozambique.

5) Evangelism/Discipleship & Training in Bergville region of Northern Natal
= November 2010

Some urgent needs:-
Three Baptist Students at Union Bible Institute have little or no finance for accommodation and student fees.
Finance to replace worn out Short Term Mission Team equipment eg stove, showers, tent, water filters etc.
Spiritual and Physical Health to meet the needs of ongoing ministry.
Protection from Evil one and ever present violence which continues to hurt our nation.

~ for your love, encouragement, support and prayers.
~ for your partnership in mission.

Above all, our deepest appreciation to our Dear Lord Jesus Christ
for His finished plan of Redemption.
for His gift of Eternal Life.
for His Call upon our lives.
for the privilege of being His servants.
Warm Christian Greetings
Trevor and Mally Eayrs

Land Cruiser - Thanks to Donors

Completed Manse Zwelisha (for Pastor Able and Phumi Gumbi)

Tornado storm damage in Donybrook

It was our privilege to provide tons of disaster relief (food, clothing, blankets) as a gesture of Christ’s love to those affected by this storm. Some had lost everything, even their homes.)

Blessings for 2010


We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Celebrate 2010 with us as we share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

"I am not ashamed of the gospel,
because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..." Romans 1v16

Blessings for the new year - pray with us for Gods grace to be upon us all