Friday, May 7, 2010


See below our update for April 2010. Macedonian Ministries has been able to be part of various ministries and for that we thank the Lord.

Macedonian Ministries has been able to sponsor students at Union Bible Institute, in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

Joseph Kubeka - (Final Year)

Motemane - (Final year)

Poulos Manele - (First year)

Zululand Mission Trip
Twenty-five short termers spent seven days of ministry to the community of Manzibomvu Mbaswana and Kwajobe .

  • Three hundred saw the "Jesus Film"at Kwajobe – a least reached people’s group.

  • About 300 children attended the Childrens Bible Club.

  • The Gospel was shared in many homes, and those who were poor and needy were cared for.

  • Schools opened their doors for evangelism.

We thank God for so many who heard the Gospel during this week
Pray for those who turned to Christ, seeking the Eternal Gospel of Salvation

The team was able to help with building and maintenance while out on the mission field - Praise the Lord for so much that was accomplished!

The rebuilt the Camp site which was destroyed by a fire in 2008

New addition to the exsisting Ablutions :- flush toilets

The team worked at night mixing concrete in a effort to get the job done

Shogela Baptist Church : meet under this tree (Trevor had the privilege of preaching here)

Please pray with us:

~ for funding to replace aging Short Term Mission Trip equipment
~ for the building of a church for Shongela congregation
~ for safety as we travel and minister in Southern Africa
~ for God’s perfect will to be realized in all our efforts in Mission

Thankyou to those who have generously given towards:
~ the ongoing ministry
~ the needy students at UBI

God’s richest blessing be yours as we labour on to see Christ glorified in all the earth