Saturday, June 5, 2010

May 2010

MAY / JUNE 2010

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ - we are praising the Lord for His goodness in our on going ministry across South Africa.


We have laid foundations and the walls are up to above window height. The local congregation has been busy making bricks and involved in getting the building project well underway.


The Central Baptist Church facilities are being well utilized by various ministry groups.

1. English Baptist Church is led by Garland Naidoo (BTC Student Pastor). A new group that meet weekly for worship and the preaching of God's word.

2. French Baptist Church is led by Pastor and Mrs Maisha. This congregation enjoy rich fellowship amongst cultural group.

3. House of Jubilee is led by Pastor Rathebe.

This congregation have several other assisting pastors:
  • Two Assistant Pastors

  • Hospitality Pastor

  • Family Pastor

  • Music Pastor

Their ministry include a Board Elders, Secretariat and Finance Committee with many of their members actively serving theLord. They meet weekly with a busy programme, vibrant worship and big crowd filling the sanctuary.

4. Scripture Union's Head quarters continue to fulfill a meaningful ministry throughout the city. Their vision for skills development through computer training is meeting a need among many in the city.

We praise the Lord AGAIN for how He has opened doors for this facility to continue to reach and disciple souls in the inner city.