Friday, December 24, 2010


Christ is Born – HALLELUJAH and we are celebrating Christmas once again. It is our wish for you that you experience God’s greatest gift this Christmas of salvation in Jesus. God bless you as you celebrate with friends and family. Praying for God’s peace and grace in 2011.
Six o’clock Sunday night, Vernon, Andy [Theological students and partner missionaries with Macedonian Ministries] and myself packed the truck with 800 meals, medicine, two drums of drinking water, our personal belongings; and “hit the bed “ for as much sleep as we could get. I made the grave mistake of first putting my nose into “The life of John Newton; “a few pages won’t do any harm” …..I said to myself. Finally I put it down and turned off the light at 10:20 pm.

The light’s went on at 12:30 am….It was Vernon waking us up. Quick wash, dress, cup of tea and a rusk, join hands in prayer for God’s superintending grace over everything, into the truck with Vernon in the driving seat, and we were on our way to Mozambique. It was 12:55am, in the morning. There was very little traffic, and no rain, so we were able travel with ease.
I have the privilege of mentoring these two brothers in their theological studies by correspondence at the South African Theological Seminary. We used the time wisely, debating scripture and theology, and the church and its mission. A wonderful time of inspiration and fellowship we had together. The time passed quickly and by seven o’clock we were at Farazela, the border post into Mozambique. So good to be a little early…..there were only eight vehicles ahead of us in the queue.
One hour till the gates open. Breakfast from the tailgate [always tastes better on the border of Mozambique in the fresh sea air drifting off the Indian Ocean], arrangement of passports and customs documents……Yes, we’re ready to go.
Silent prayers, “Dear Lord, We commit ourselves and our mission to you. Please watch over us, keep us safe [especially from the mosquitoes], bless every attempt to exalt you in this country, and return us home safely in due course. Amen.”

We make it over the border with little hassle. Praise God.
Pastor Ernesto, from Ponta do Oura, is waiting for us, as planned. We leave for Padreira, 35miles to the north. It’s my turn to drive. Don’t ask how long to our destination….No roads, only sand tracks, going in all directions, take your choice and hope for the best. The tracks become ruts, the vehicle is laboring, but the good news is that we’re moving forward. It takes us about two hours. Our first stop is at Salamunga, where we buy ten bags of rice to supplement the meals we’ve brought from South Africa. These people are extremely poor and we wish for them to have sufficient food during Christmas.
Another ten miles and we are at Padreira. Its out “in the sticks”… infrastructure. Pastor Fulano and his family are delighted to see us. They are ecstatic at the sight of ALL the food AND medicine. Great expressions of appreciation seem to go on forever. At last we can dispatch Vernon and Andy on a trip back to Salamunga. They must go and fetch a load of cement. Pastor is busy making cement blocks to build a new church. The congregation has been worshiping under a few sheets of asbestos with straw walls.

While they are gone Ernesto, Fulano and myself use the time for a pastoral fraternal meeting. Every thing to do with his congregation, family, mission and ministry is discussed. It’s a wonderful hour. We rejoice, lament, plan, encourage, dream, debate, inspire, even, enjoy a laugh or two. But, the passion to take the life transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ to lost people around Padreira occupies center stage.
We all agree on the pressing needs for the future. The Gospel must be preached freely, passionately, and to as many as we are able to reach. It is till bearing fruit…..soon five recent converts will follow the Lord through the “Waters of Believers Baptism”. They are stable Christians who have been discipled and instructed in Believers Baptism.
Simultaneously, the new church building must be erected. It will advance the Gospel among the whole community. But, this is where we are hard pressed……there is plenty of labor from the congregation to do the work……however there are no funds for a new building.

Vernon and Andy return, with fourteen bags of cement, a purchase in faith by Macedonian Ministries.
“Please pray with us for a GOD SIZE solution to this need……and if you ARE nudged by the Lord to act in a way that will advance this cause of the Gospel at PADREIRA, please “go for it”, so that God may be GLORIFIED THROUH YOU AND ALL THAT YOU ARE DOING FOR HIS ETERNAL KINGDOM.

The cement delivered, the fraternal meeting concluded, a drink of water for all of us, the gift of an apple for the pastors children [wonder when last, if ever they have had an apple!], all join hands in prayers of thanksgiving and petition, and we’re ready to “hit the road”…..correction…..sand tracks, ruts; choose our own path, whatever; but lets try and get to Ponta do Oura as soon as possible.

We’re doing well, steady progress until the unthinkable happens… elephant in the road. Eighty yards away. Mozambique elephant. Young bull. Notorious for their aggression. Pulled some road workers from their truck a while ago. One man was killed.
Pastor Ernesto was most alarmed and urged me to stop the vehicle. I did as instructed. We observed the truck ahead us. It progressed slowly, but as soon as it got near to the elephant, it charged. The driver had just enough time to veer off the road and “flooring it” got away unharmed. Now the bull was enraged, and it was not alone. There were about twenty in the herd.
Patience was the wisest option. Slowly, the herd began to move away from the road. When they were about thirty yards off, we slowly moved forward. Apart from a mock charge, flapping of ears and a lot of trumpeting, we were okay. We even had a moment to take a few pictures.
The road seemed endless. Arrived at Ponta around 3pm. Fourteen hours since we left home. No wonder we felt like a “cuppa-tea” and something to eat.
Said good-bye to pastor Ernesto, who also needed to get home, and went off to our lodgings at the church. The cold shower, hot tea, and early diner of chicken, sausage, and vegetables all cooked on an open fire by Vernon and Andy; put new life into all of us.

After a 19hour day, bed and sleep was most welcome.

Dawn comes quickly in Mozambique, especially during high summer. 4:30am it’s light enough to read, and by 5:30am far too hot to be bed. So we started the day, which was in any case going to be very busy.

First, some time in the Word. In preparation, I was reading the last six chapters of 2Corinthians. “Dear Lord, please help me to articulate the information overload of the past 24hours and be convinced of your will for my ministry involvement in 2011.”
The answer was not long in coming. 2Cor 10:15-16………” we do not boast beyond limit in the labors of others, but our hope is that as your faith increases, our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged, so that we may preach the gospel in lands beyond you, without boasting of work already done in another’s area of influence.”

THANK YOU JESUS……For months Macedonian Ministries has been wondering if we have further ministry in Mozambique. If so, what is it to be, and where? Our conviction has been that we need to concentrate our focus in area’s where the gospel has still not taken root and become an agent of change for righteousness. This means the “hard to get to regions”, where the infrastructure is non-existent, where life is tough and cruel, and the mosquitoes eat you alive. God, through His word has confirmed in my own hart that we need to be back. By His grace, I intent to lead our mission endeavors in the fulfillment of this directive from the HEAD OF THE CHURCH.

A quick breakfast of cereal, tea and a rusk, pack the truck, last meeting with the Miambo family [senior pastor and team leader for our ministry in Mozambique], hand over the remaining consignment of food and medicine, then join hands in prayer, committing our day and the future partnership to God.

It’s never easy, but we have to say goodbye. Pastor Ernesto asks me when I will come again, and expresses the hope that it will be soon. I wish the same; the people are so loving, and appreciative of anything which one does for them in Jesus name.

With a feeling of regret we start the truck, Pastor Ernesto and his son Snye are with us. We will catch up, en-route to South Africa, with Gersom Miambo his eldest son and associate pastor in the church at Ponta do Oura, who has gone on ahead to prepare for our visit to a proposed church site which they have been offered; and believe is strategically positioned for the planting of a new congregation on the northern extremities of the town. We were very impressed. New homes being built everywhere. Far enough away from the mother church. Some church members already living in the area. Near to a main road. Not to far from a national electricity service provider. Negatives… water supply nearby, and the site a little small. These, could be overcome, by seeking an extension on the site and drilling a community borehole on the church property.

WOW…..THIS IS IN KEEPING WITH GOD’S WORD TO ME IN MY DEVOTIONS JUST TWO HOURS EARLIER !!!!!!! We joined hands and prayed for God’s almighty superintendency in all of our lives, asking that His will be done through us for the extension of the Eternal Kingdom.

Back in the truck, 7:50am, just enough time to get to the border post as it opens for immigration at 8.00am. We are treated with respect…..most of the officials know our credentials and mission. They too, want to help the cause. “Thank you Jesus.”

By 8:20am we are on our way to Emangusi, a small town in South Africa, twenty miles from the border. Gersom’s young wife is here, in the State hospital, under gynecological observation at the end of her first pregnancy. We all wish to see her and minister to her, in the hope that we will be an encouragement. It’s a blessed visit. The prognosis from the doctor is encouraging. After reading the scriptures from 2Cor 4:16-18, we join hands and pray for God’s Sovereign care in Ida’s life and that of her unborn baby. We sense the Peace of God. And, then again it is time to say goodbye. It’s an emotional parting. We are family, and do not know when our dear Lord will ordain for our paths to cross again.

We have not done to badly…’s just gone 9:10am. Our next stop is Shugela, ninety miles away. Vernon and I led a Sunday worship service there about seventeen months ago. The service with this newly planted congregation took place under a shady tree. It was hot. About, 39 degrees C. God’s wonderful provision, has enabled us to build these dear people a church with an adjoining pastor’s apartment. We must visit for a site inspection. The journey will mean an extra seventy miles overall, but it will be worth every cent in terms of fellowship and encouragement to the building contractor and others.

Our hearts are warmed by what we find. Building almost finished. Quality of workmanship is most gratifying. A few pictures for the donors and we are on way. After another four hours in the truck we arrive safely at home, thanking Jesus for another inexpressible joyful mission trip to Mozambique. It seems like we have been away for a week, but it was only yesterday that we stood together in the car park of my home and asked for God’s protection and blessing on our efforts in Mozambique.


A WORD TO OUR SENDERS – “Those who make all this possible though prayer and generous giving.”

-Thank you for sending us.
-Thank you for trusting us with your financial support for all aspects of Christian Mission
-Thank you for praying for us.
-Thank you Jesus for counting us worthy of taking your wonderful gospel to places where, as yet, it still has not found acceptance among the community.

Trevor Eayrs.
December 2010.

During November, Vernon Schmidt [Our recently appointed Student Missionary] and myself spent a week ministering in and around Kentani. This southern coastal area of South Africa is home to the Xhosa people.

While the Gospel has been preached here for many decades, it has not penetrated society to the extent where it is the transforming force which God intended it to be. The churches, though numerous, are generally small and struggle to be self-sustaining. There is still a tremendous need for Christian Mission of every description.

We were there to partner with other likeminded Christians, in an effort to take some urgent mission visions to a new level.

This partnership, of which Macedonian Ministries is a member, is currently custodian of the old [derelict] buildings of a Bible School and the land [about 20,000 sq. meters] on which these are located. The campus is on the outskirts of Kentani , a small town and very busy commercial center for the region. The S.A. government is currently busy with the erection of 3000 low cost houses, most of which are been built around the perimeter fence of the Bible School. At the beginning of 2011 needy Xhosa families will begin moving into the homes, which are already completed.

- Restore the Bible school lecturing hall and use it as a place of worship.
- Restore one of the staff homes and use it to accommodate a church planter/evangelist.
- By God’s grace plant a church and through it present a holistic Christian Ministry to the surrounding population…..about, 30,000 persons.

Although there is no money in the bank for this project, we are convinced of the need to move ahead IN FAITH and so are currently searching for a church planter to head up this ministry.
Please pray with us for God’s intervention and providence of all that is needed to fulfill His wishes at Kentani.
Your prayers, thoughts and support in this regard are needed and will be appreciated.

Heavy consistent rain throughout the night and day begged the question…….” Should we, or should we not attempt to reach the hospital. The gravel roads will be a nightmare. “BUT, we have 4x4 drive in the vehicle … let’s go!”
And, just as well we did, for this was one of the most blessed services we have ever had at the hospital.
All the patients and on duty staff were invited to attend. Thirty three; a record congregation, joined for worship. Some were very sick. Ten were men……Praise God. However the most wonderful feature of the service was the convincing sense of the presence of God. The message was from Rom 1:16 “I’m not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation.” Patients, spiritual eyes were opened as “Gospel”, “Salvation” and “His power to save” were exergeted and preached as the only hope of eternal life for any who believe.

A considerable number of patients and some staff indicated a desire to seek Christ in salvation. These were counseled and led in a prayer of confession, repentance and the acceptance of the gift of eternal life. THANK YOU JESUS.

Everyone received a Gospel of John in Xhosa, which included a Bible study on “The Way of Salvation.”

We are trying to plant a church in this area. It was raining and cold, but a small group of younger people arrived. The service progressed reasonably well. However in the middle of the service, there was the sound of raucous singing. It seemed to be coming closer. To our dismay it marched right into the church …..a group of very, “under the influence of mind bending substances”, young men. What made the situation so much more fearful was the fact that each one was carrying a wooden club, battle axe [small axe head on a three foot wooden handle] or machete. They immediately took charge of the meeting….jesting, shouting, making demands, and generally showing total disdain for the House of the Lord and those who had gathered for worship. WE WHERE VERY AFRAID OF THE SITUATION GETTING OUT OF HAND AND DECIDED TO CLOSE WITH PRAYER IN THE HOPE THAT ALL WOULD LEAVE AND BE PERMITTED TO RETURN HOME UNHARMED.
Our wishes were granted …..”God’s Almighty authority seemed to rule in favor of order and tranquility. Thank you Jesus. Our god is Jehovah, our protector in all situations.

Please pray for us as we plan to return. The Gospel is the only hope for this community.

A more stable situation with a church which has been in existence for a number of years. We were privileged to have two services there. Both well attended. Had the joy of expounding the Word from 1John 4….”Overcoming sin”, and Rev 21…..”Christ’s return at the end of the age”. God honored His Word, the Holy Spirit spoke to hearts with convicting power, and some folk openly responded to the opportunity given for them to pray and be counseled. Thank you Jesus.

-PRAISE GOD for His faithful honoring of Mission.
-Thank Him too, for his providence and protection at all times.
-Plead with Him to transform the Fishlani region.
-Join us in discovering the Lord’s perfect plan for Kentani.
-CONSIDER becoming a partner in this vision.

I was blessed, and may you be blessed, by this verse from my daily readings …….1Cor9:8 “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all you need ,you will abound to every good work.” HALLELUJAH.

Trevor Eayrs.
November 2010.