Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bergville Report 2010



For eight days in September, Florida, Amamzimtoti, Scottsville, The Summit [N.C. U.S.A.] Baptist Churches in partnership with Macedonian Ministries ministered together with Rookdale, Zwelisha and Winterton Baptist Churches in the Northern region of Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Fifteen short term missionaries were involved in the following ministries:

Home visitation, where the Gospel was presented in testimony and inspiration from scripture and prayer was offered on behalf of these families. Gospels of John were presented to each home together with other Christian literature. Where possible specific needs were attended to.

Home based HIV/AIDS care and ministry was offered to Aids sufferers and their families. Gifts of clothing, literature, Gospels of John and food hampers were distributed to the needy.

Children’s outreach under the theme, “The ultimate GOAL “[In keeping with the soccer world cup] were held in Rookdale and Zwelisha. About 380 children attended respectively. Many were assisted in seeking the Lord as their Savior.

Each evening, the participating congregations, gave one and a half hours for worship and instruction in Biblical Theology/ Exegetical Exposition on the theme of Church Health. Many testified to the immense value and blessedness of these services.

The five schools in the area, attended by approximately 3500 learners, were visited on a number of occasions; by teams who presented the Gospel. God’s Blessing was evident. Each learner was given a copy of John’s Gospel. They were also invited to the youth rally on Friday night. Many attended.

The team was invited to conduct the worship services on the two consecutive Sundays in each of the three churches. These were wonderful occasions of rich fellowship and blessing.

Pastor Trevor Eayrs and Mr. Arnold Lunn [N.C.] were invited together with Pastor Joseph Dladla to minister at the Bergville prison. About thirty inmates attended the service. Arnold’s testimony of salvation was well received, and Trevor preached on Acts 16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.” The Holy Spirit brought conviction of sin and the need of salvation. The invitation to receive Christ as Savior was sincerely given and seven men requested spiritual counsel on “The Way of Salvation”.
Each morning after breakfast the team spent about an hour “In the Word’. Pastor Trevor led them through a study from the life of Abraham, from Genesis 12 – 22,
His willingness to follow the call of God out of Ur of the Chaldeans into the land of Promise….with all of it’s challenges; culminating in his life of consecration to the will of God , stretched us to consider a new level of commitment to Christ and the ministry to which He has called us.

“I had the privilege of preaching/teaching on two very important Biblical Issues of the Christian Faith.
The first, the assurance of Salvation from 1John 2: 1-6. The consideration of how we may assess our lives in the light of Biblical Truth in an effort to determine the true nature of our walk with GOD or other, was very stirring, and called for renewed seeking after righteousness on the part of most of us.
The second was an examination of how Paul dealt with the whole matter of Idolatry in Athens…..Acts 17, “His marvelous sermon on Mars Hill.” Here we were challenged to cast aside all forms of idolatry in favor of following and worshipping THE Almighty God , some of whose attributes are declared by Paul in this passage:-
HE is…. Creator (vs24)
Transcendent (vs24)
Self sufficient (vs25)
God of providence (vs25)
Sovereign (vs26)
Imminent (vs27)
Paul’s strong appeal at the close of this sermon ,for sinners to repent and seek Salvation before the judgment , was a challenge to all and one sensed that God was present and engaging those whom He was calling to faith in Himself.

I was again made conscious of the tremendous privilege we preachers have of expounding the “Very Word of God”, and of how necessary it is for us to do so under the inspiration and enabling of our Savior who alone is able to make us worthy of this great responsibility.”
[T.H. Eayrs]

It is a great comfort to be able to return home after a short term mission trip, knowing that there is a local pastor who will nurture one’s ministry and where needed take it to the next level.
This is the case in above mentioned churches.
On the Saturday prior to us leaving; at four o’clock in the afternoon, Pastor Thomas Hlongwane spent one and a half hours with twenty four local people who had publically sought the Lord for the gift of Salvation.

To all who were a part of this mission trip……’how beautiful are the feet of those…..’
To all who gave so that we were able to go and minister…’God loves a cheerful giver.’
To all who prayed…..’Call unto me and I will give you the heathen for your inheritance’
To those who hosted us……You were a rich blessing in our lives, THANK YOU.

Trevor Eayrs
September 2010.

1 comment:

  1. trevor and marilyn , lord loves, cares for and knows prisoners their yard or cell does not yell or tell there 24-7-365 to answer the tough questions of prison life. our song SPREAD THE WORD TALK WITH THE LORD lyrics are cool and free plus use our blog posts for sermon/discussion group topics g. hubbard p.o. box 2232 ponte vedra fl 32004
