Thursday, June 2, 2011

APRIL 2011

It is customary for our Xhosa Christians in Transkei to gather as clusters of churches in different regions for worship, celebration and instruction in the Word, over Easter time. I was asked to minister at a number of different gatherings in different venues, all of which were most blessed.

I must testify to God’s abounding Grace at one of these services. It happened at the Butterworth Cluster Conference, held near Namakwe. I had been asked to present a Systematic Study on the Doctrine of Evangelization and Mission. About, four hundred Baptists were at the service. Everything progressed smoothly; we were conscious God’s blessing……UNTIL at a certain point we became suddenly aware of the Spirit’s moving upon the congregation, bringing a heightened sense of urgency to the truth being expounded. A “lecture type” presentation was suddenly transformed by God into a timely Word of Exhortation. One became aware of conviction from The Lord that seemed to be arresting many in the congregation.
I was constrained at the close to make God’s appeal for Christians to commit themselves to lifelong missionary service.

Forty nine, generally younger folk [early twenties – thirties] publically covenanted…….”I promise, having heard Almighty God’s voice today, challenging me to help fulfill the Great Commission, that should He continue to call me to fulltime Christian Missionary Service in the next few years; I will go anywhere in the world to fulfill His specific will in my life.”…….HALLELUJAH.

We have the names and addresses of those who responded and PLEAD with you to become a part of the ongoing ministry into their lives. Most of them live in smaller towns of Transkei. This makes mentoring a little more difficult.


PRAY PRAY PRAY that none will forsake the promise they have made.
[If you wish for their names please be in contact with us.]

Help us finance suitable literature for their future edification in fulfilling God’s call.



Before we returned home we had the joy of inspecting the recently completed Magusheni Church.
As can be seen from the picture it is strategically positioned among a large rural community, which is “ripe unto harvest”

Praise God for this new acquisition [Debt free].


1.We have been asked to build two churches in Mozambique, but after months of seeking the finances needed we still do not have enough to even consider moving forward on these projects. Your prayers please.
2.Some equipment is “tired” and has to be replaced… equipment and some engineering machinery [maintenance/construction] are urgently needed.
3. Renewed wisdom as we make decisions under God, for the extension of His Kingdom.
4.Health and strength and protection as we “FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT”

A sincere thank you to all our fellow workers in mission. We know that we are not alone. Your constant encouragement urging us persevere in faithfulness is keeping us going. God bless you and reward you and grant you His rich blessing.

Trevor and Marilyn Eayrs
April 2011

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