Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Over the past few weeks the new church building at Magushei, Transkei, has been completed. Pastor Lionel Mokolwane and his team have done a splendid job in providing all of the labour for this project; most of it at reduced rates. Thank you Jesus.

Once again Mally and I want thank all the “World Wide Team” of Macedonian Ministry CO-workers /Short Term Team Missionaries for your consistent ongoing encouragement and support. We are here partly because of you and your faithfulness to the Great Commission.
God too is abundantly good… ALL THE TIME. We never cease to be amazed at how His is always there for us. ”Praise the Lord from whom ALL blessings flow….”

Please keep in touch, as much as you are able.
AND until our paths cross again ……Keep fishing till the Boats are full and overflowing.
For the Glory of the Eternal Kingdom.
Trevor and Marilyn.
July 2011.


Situated at the mouth of the Great Kei River and in the lea of the Bay are two coastal holiday resorts, on the Eastern Cape coast of South Africa. Our family has enjoyed holidaying in this vicinity for as long as we can remember. Over the years we have enjoyed worshipping in the local interdenominational church and on occasions have had the privilege of ministering to the congregation.

Consequently we were invited to conduct a one weeklong outreach/Bible teaching Ministry for the local community.

Mally led home Bible studies in the mornings and I preached in the evenings. In addition Mr. Peter Goetsch screened the Jesus Movie in Xhosa at two local townships.

We felt led to exegete passages of scripture which deal with some of the issues that so many in society are grappling with at present.
Themes included: -
-“Living triumphantly in an age of despair” (1Sam 17-18)
-“The Origin, Curse and Cure of Evil” (Gen 3)
-“Suffering and the Sovereignty of God’ (Phil. 1)
-“The Providence of God”(Ex 2)
-“The Return of Christ” (Matt 25)
-“Worry”(Matt 6)

All the meetings were well attended. The Word of God through the working of the Holy Spirit brought conviction to the lives of many. A number of folk were moved to seek the Lord Jesus Christ in Salvation; others were inspired to trust Him for a deeper life of consecration to the principles of discipleship.

Praise God for all these blessings…He did it ALL…”Thank you Jesus, Amen”.

The following testimony is from a member of the community church in Kei Mouth.

Letter from Joan…
“There is no doubt that the people who attended the meetings have grown considerably and that they have benefited from your ministry, love and wisdom.
Personally, I am so very grateful to you Marilyn for leading me so gently and easily into the arms of Jesus. For some time I have longed for the assurance that He is in my life and it is such a joy for me to now have that assurance and to be able to claim Salvation. I also really enjoyed getting to know you both a little better and look forward to seeing you when you are next in Kei Mouth”
As requested, I attach a copy of my" testimony".
Regards - Joan

Before this mission I was very confused about Jesus. I got God. I understood a Creator, a Provider, a Healer, a loving God, even a Redeeming God, but I found Jesus elusive, perplexing and enigmatic. Now, thankfully, I can say that I have been brought to a place where I have been able to really open my heart to Jesus, not just my mind, where I have been able to fully commit my life to Jesus. I have, “got” Jesus or rather, he has found me. And for that, I personally will be eternally grateful to Trevor and Marilyn and for the leading of the Holy Spirit that brought them here. I am sure that many of you have also found something precious, something revealing, and something to cling onto during this week.

Joan Hill
Kei Mouth
18 June 2011