Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Over the past few weeks the new church building at Magushei, Transkei, has been completed. Pastor Lionel Mokolwane and his team have done a splendid job in providing all of the labour for this project; most of it at reduced rates. Thank you Jesus.

Once again Mally and I want thank all the “World Wide Team” of Macedonian Ministry CO-workers /Short Term Team Missionaries for your consistent ongoing encouragement and support. We are here partly because of you and your faithfulness to the Great Commission.
God too is abundantly good… ALL THE TIME. We never cease to be amazed at how His is always there for us. ”Praise the Lord from whom ALL blessings flow….”

Please keep in touch, as much as you are able.
AND until our paths cross again ……Keep fishing till the Boats are full and overflowing.
For the Glory of the Eternal Kingdom.
Trevor and Marilyn.
July 2011.

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