Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We would like to send you greetings from South Africa and pray God's special blessings on each of you for 2012!
May the year be filled with many opportunities to share the love and light of Jesus Christ.
God Bless each and everyone of you. As many of you know Trevor Eayrs has his knee replacement in November 2011 and has spent the last part of the year resting and recouperating. We have nothing but PRAISE for what God has done in helping him become more and more mobile as he as regained the use of his "new knee". Please continue to pray for him as he excercises his leg to regain full movement to make him more confident and comfortable in his mobility. In all they as a couple have been busy and ministry has continued with the help
of many other willing and able hands. Thank you to all who have helped to keep our mission activities on the go for the last part of 2011.
Praying God's best for you and your families for 2011 - looking forward to working together with you in the year ahead.
Trevor Eayrs

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