Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Over the past few weeks the new church building at Magushei, Transkei, has been completed. Pastor Lionel Mokolwane and his team have done a splendid job in providing all of the labour for this project; most of it at reduced rates. Thank you Jesus.

Once again Mally and I want thank all the “World Wide Team” of Macedonian Ministry CO-workers /Short Term Team Missionaries for your consistent ongoing encouragement and support. We are here partly because of you and your faithfulness to the Great Commission.
God too is abundantly good… ALL THE TIME. We never cease to be amazed at how His is always there for us. ”Praise the Lord from whom ALL blessings flow….”

Please keep in touch, as much as you are able.
AND until our paths cross again ……Keep fishing till the Boats are full and overflowing.
For the Glory of the Eternal Kingdom.
Trevor and Marilyn.
July 2011.


Situated at the mouth of the Great Kei River and in the lea of the Bay are two coastal holiday resorts, on the Eastern Cape coast of South Africa. Our family has enjoyed holidaying in this vicinity for as long as we can remember. Over the years we have enjoyed worshipping in the local interdenominational church and on occasions have had the privilege of ministering to the congregation.

Consequently we were invited to conduct a one weeklong outreach/Bible teaching Ministry for the local community.

Mally led home Bible studies in the mornings and I preached in the evenings. In addition Mr. Peter Goetsch screened the Jesus Movie in Xhosa at two local townships.

We felt led to exegete passages of scripture which deal with some of the issues that so many in society are grappling with at present.
Themes included: -
-“Living triumphantly in an age of despair” (1Sam 17-18)
-“The Origin, Curse and Cure of Evil” (Gen 3)
-“Suffering and the Sovereignty of God’ (Phil. 1)
-“The Providence of God”(Ex 2)
-“The Return of Christ” (Matt 25)
-“Worry”(Matt 6)

All the meetings were well attended. The Word of God through the working of the Holy Spirit brought conviction to the lives of many. A number of folk were moved to seek the Lord Jesus Christ in Salvation; others were inspired to trust Him for a deeper life of consecration to the principles of discipleship.

Praise God for all these blessings…He did it ALL…”Thank you Jesus, Amen”.

The following testimony is from a member of the community church in Kei Mouth.

Letter from Joan…
“There is no doubt that the people who attended the meetings have grown considerably and that they have benefited from your ministry, love and wisdom.
Personally, I am so very grateful to you Marilyn for leading me so gently and easily into the arms of Jesus. For some time I have longed for the assurance that He is in my life and it is such a joy for me to now have that assurance and to be able to claim Salvation. I also really enjoyed getting to know you both a little better and look forward to seeing you when you are next in Kei Mouth”
As requested, I attach a copy of my" testimony".
Regards - Joan

Before this mission I was very confused about Jesus. I got God. I understood a Creator, a Provider, a Healer, a loving God, even a Redeeming God, but I found Jesus elusive, perplexing and enigmatic. Now, thankfully, I can say that I have been brought to a place where I have been able to really open my heart to Jesus, not just my mind, where I have been able to fully commit my life to Jesus. I have, “got” Jesus or rather, he has found me. And for that, I personally will be eternally grateful to Trevor and Marilyn and for the leading of the Holy Spirit that brought them here. I am sure that many of you have also found something precious, something revealing, and something to cling onto during this week.

Joan Hill
Kei Mouth
18 June 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

APRIL 2011

It is customary for our Xhosa Christians in Transkei to gather as clusters of churches in different regions for worship, celebration and instruction in the Word, over Easter time. I was asked to minister at a number of different gatherings in different venues, all of which were most blessed.

I must testify to God’s abounding Grace at one of these services. It happened at the Butterworth Cluster Conference, held near Namakwe. I had been asked to present a Systematic Study on the Doctrine of Evangelization and Mission. About, four hundred Baptists were at the service. Everything progressed smoothly; we were conscious God’s blessing……UNTIL at a certain point we became suddenly aware of the Spirit’s moving upon the congregation, bringing a heightened sense of urgency to the truth being expounded. A “lecture type” presentation was suddenly transformed by God into a timely Word of Exhortation. One became aware of conviction from The Lord that seemed to be arresting many in the congregation.
I was constrained at the close to make God’s appeal for Christians to commit themselves to lifelong missionary service.

Forty nine, generally younger folk [early twenties – thirties] publically covenanted…….”I promise, having heard Almighty God’s voice today, challenging me to help fulfill the Great Commission, that should He continue to call me to fulltime Christian Missionary Service in the next few years; I will go anywhere in the world to fulfill His specific will in my life.”…….HALLELUJAH.

We have the names and addresses of those who responded and PLEAD with you to become a part of the ongoing ministry into their lives. Most of them live in smaller towns of Transkei. This makes mentoring a little more difficult.


PRAY PRAY PRAY that none will forsake the promise they have made.
[If you wish for their names please be in contact with us.]

Help us finance suitable literature for their future edification in fulfilling God’s call.



Before we returned home we had the joy of inspecting the recently completed Magusheni Church.
As can be seen from the picture it is strategically positioned among a large rural community, which is “ripe unto harvest”

Praise God for this new acquisition [Debt free].


1.We have been asked to build two churches in Mozambique, but after months of seeking the finances needed we still do not have enough to even consider moving forward on these projects. Your prayers please.
2.Some equipment is “tired” and has to be replaced… equipment and some engineering machinery [maintenance/construction] are urgently needed.
3. Renewed wisdom as we make decisions under God, for the extension of His Kingdom.
4.Health and strength and protection as we “FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT”

A sincere thank you to all our fellow workers in mission. We know that we are not alone. Your constant encouragement urging us persevere in faithfulness is keeping us going. God bless you and reward you and grant you His rich blessing.

Trevor and Marilyn Eayrs
April 2011


Trevor and Marilyn, Trent and Amber were very privileged to spend four weeks in North Carolina and then a few days in the U.K. on our journey back to South Africa.

The main purpose of the visit was to meet our extended family….. relatives and friends of Trent’s recent bride, Amber [nee: Lunn]; who were unable to make the wedding on the January 1st. 2011.

(pictures above: Trent & Amber, Arnold & Marie Lunn - Amber's parents our hosts)

Passing through London on our journey home afforded Amber the opportunity being introduced to Trent’s relatives in the U.K. With some fleeting visits to some of London's famous sights.

These were very special occasions during which all of us made wonderful memories which will be carried with us for the rest of our lives. Thank you to all those who contributed to the success of these events.

In addition Mally and I used a few weeks for catching up with friends, partners, and fellow workers across N.C. As you can imagine, these were blessed times of fellowship, preaching, reporting, and planning around mission. AND of course some time had to be found for recreation [fishing and shopping etc.]

(Pictures above: Annette Wagoner & Lewis from Boonville Methodist Church and Monty & Katherine Ray- ministry to the Massey Street Apartments in Wake Forest, NC)

(Pictrues above: [left]Ronnie Hudspeth - Shadygrove Baptist Church & Ken Boaz - Winston Salem. [right] Les & Diane Davis - Interim Music Director in a local church in the area)

We returned more convinced than ever of our calling to serve as Mission developers in Africa. Thank you everyone for your constant encouragement in this wonderful ministry.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


MARCH 2011

Foe eight days in early March Macedonian Ministries facilitated a short term mission trip to the above region. We were the guests of the ROOKDALE congregation. Pastor Thomas Hlongwane was our host.

The team consisted of nine students and two staff members from the Baptist Theological College [Johannesburg], Andy Peckham and Vernon Schmidt of Mac. Min., Pastor Thomas and his wife Lena, Pastor Joseph Kubeka and Mally and myself.

A typical day looked like this:-
7.30am Leave for evangelistic outreach at four different schools.
8.30am Breakfast
9.30am Devotions from Romans 1- 3
10.30am Evangelistic visitation in homes of the local community
1.30pm Lunch
3-5.00pm Children’s outreach/Bible school.
6.00pm Evening school of the Bible for members of the Rookdale Church and other Christians from the community

We were privileged to have five schools in the area invite us to minister to their students at the outset of each school day. This offered teams time to share in song, testimony and preaching of the Word of God. Overall, these opportunities were blessed times of presenting Christ as the only true Savior and revealed a desire on the part of some students to seek the Lord in Salvation. Thank you Jesus.

This is always a most inspirational ministry among rural people. Their spontaneous hospitality coupled with openness to listen/reason/discuss the Christian Gospel makes each visit most worthwhile. Many wonderful memories of these engagements with people representing a vast variety of religious beliefs like Animism, Syncretism, and other interaction with cults like witchcraft.
Most team members find these encounters very stimulating, sometimes calling for a re-examination of their own theological convictions and what they are based on.
The ultimate blessing is enjoyed when some of these households request spiritual guidance, ask for prayer, even seek Christ in Salvation.

When a household revealed obvious poverty we were doubly blessed to be able to return with food parcels and gifts of clothing.

The households which tugged our hearts the most were those where family members were suffering from HIV/AIDS and other diseases or where the home was occupied by a sibling family, usually due to the death of both parents by HIV/AIDS.

When these visits resulted in days of restlessness and nights of sleeplessness as we struggled to come to terms with the immensity of the need, we were thankfully comforted by the knowledge that we had at least done what Jesus would do……we had shown Christian compassion and had pointed these dear people to the "Great Shepherd of the Sheep."


Always a highlight of any mission trip. Bergville was no different. About 250/300 attended each afternoon……sometimes in the cold. This was the perfect opportunity for us to pick out the children who were inadequately dressed for the cold weather. Each of them received a new woolen jersey, lovingly knitted by a group of senior ladies from the Scottsville Baptist Church in Pietermaritzburg.

The daily program included Games, Scripture memory, Bible stories, Craft activities and preaching of The Word.

When opportunity was given for these children to consider seeking Christ as their Eternal Savior many indicated their desire for help. This is always a most blessed moment for any Christian ministering the Gospel. Team members found great meaning in leading these children in receiving the Gift of Eternal Salvation. Thank you Jesus.

Each evening fundamental, foundational themes for church health were taught from the scriptures. Prayer, church membership, Tithing, assurance of salvation, were some of the subjects covered. It was most rewarding to see believers come night after night with a hunger to feed on the sincere meat of the Word.

I had the privileged joy of leading the team in a study of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith from Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.
This exposition over the time we were together focused on the following subjects:-

1. Introduction, Authorship, Background to the Book of Romans
2. The Gospel of Jesus Christ as the only Power of Salvation (Romans 1)
3. God’s wrath against Sin (Romans 2)
4. Judgment against Sin (Romans 3)


  • Special appreciation needs to be expressed to our hosts and the church at Rookdale. Thank you very much.

  • Sincere thanks to the team members….you were a blessing to the community.

  • Thanks to those who contributed to the resources needed for this mission trip….without your giving this ministry would not have happened.

  • To our faithful prayer warriors around the world…..without this empowerment nothing would have been achieved for the eternal kingdom….thank you.

