Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ministry in Kenya February 2014

We had the great privilege of ministering to the Maasai and Kamba people as team members with our friends from Bayleaf Baptist Church [NC].

Each day the people prepared delicious Kenyan food from their rural kitchens

 Trevor had the honour of teaching a group of Masaai [19] and Kamba Pastors [44]
 Mally taught the women.

The drought in the Great Rift Valley is causing terrible hardship for man and beast. People have to travel for hours to fetch water.

BUT, there was another drought….causing a thirst for the Living water which is only satisfied through the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. These men were willing to spend most of the day “drinking in the truth of God’s word.

Driving through the busy streets of Nairobi one cannot miss the variety of stalls on the sidewalk. Some appear chaotic while others are neat and structured, like the nursery garden in this picture.


A unique opportunity was afforded Trevor, when he was asked to minister to the young people at “I can Fly School”
This is a school which provides for the many needs of abused and disadvantaged young girls and guys from the surrounding area.  Both Trevor and Mally taught classes in the school. We used the time to help the young folk focus on Life, in terms of Eternity. Our visit culminated with a general assembly at which Trevor was invited to preach the Gospel. God blessed this occasion and a number of young folk sought the Lord as their Saviour.

A visit to a factory where pottery beads and other articles are fashioned was a “fun” thing for us as a team.  While watching the potter we were reminded of Jeremiah who so clearly reminds us that God is the Great Potter of our lives.  While talking with the workers it became evident that many were interested in spiritual things. When they found out that Trevor was a pastor,  the workers downed tools, sang a hymn and then asked Trevor to pray for the factory, it’s staff and a profitable future in business.

Our prayer is that vessels of honour would be fashioned by the Master Potter as a result of our visit to Kenya. Pray with us that “He will make everything beautiful in His time”

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