Monday, June 15, 2015

Ministry to Vulnerable Children

We at Macedonian Ministries have been privileged to be able to share with several vulnerable children over the last year - see below how we have been able to bless each one of them.



Pastor Aleko met this lad through his Evangelistic sporting program at Wittlesea. He was rudderless, ignored by parents and home and heading for delinquency. The family agreed that he move into the pastors home, for care and discipleship by the church.
The past three years have see a phenomenal change in his life, leading to his conversion and development in Christ.
He attended a youth leadership seminar, at which Mally and I taught. We found him hungry for truth and growth and a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The next few years are going to be crucial……Your prayers please.




Another hopeless young man heading in the wrong direction. Invited into a pastors home for care and ministry, where he now lives.
As far as we know his parents are alive but do not care in the least for his wellbeing. He has spent a few years in our vulnerable children's program. Praise God for his salvation and hunger to follow and serve Christ.
He attended a youth discipleship weekend. “Devoured” the Word of God and immediately on invitation requested to be Baptized. This took place in the local stream. Siyabulela’s testimony  on this occasion was clear, biblical and heart warming as he shared his passion to discover and follow the will of God.
I had the joy of Baptizing Him. Unlike many of the guys his age, he is quiet, humble (nothing is to much trouble for him to do for anyone), cerebral in thought processes and cautious in the decisions which he makes.
We have high hopes for his future and do not want him to be taken from our care….Please pray.





We met this young boy four years ago when asked by the community to visit his home, in an effort to see if we could help with the adverse poverty.

On investigation we found a single parent family of six. Father had died. The heathen, middle-aged mother was particularly rude. Did know who the fathers of her children were. Did not care. Informed us that Musitemba ‘s father was dead.
Also, that she was unable to feed the children, as she had no income. Worst of all she told us that we could have Musitemba as he was ill disciplined and insolent. We took him, and one of our pastors agreed to  care for him. He has since lived under the care of Pastor Aleko Mnele in Wittlesea, about 150miles form his home, to which he returns during school vacations.
Musitemba has been converted, is walking with the Lord, loves everything about Church life, is most enthusiastic in worship and serving the Lord , and is at all times teachable and loveable. He is doing very well at school…..his English is outstanding.
We do not want to lose him from this care……..PLEASE PRAY.








We met Sakkie six years ago. He lives in close proximity to a seaside cottage we use as a base for ministry in the Cebe area of Transkei (Home of the Xhosa people).  A friendship developed and he was initially employed to wash cars, care for the garden and collect bait. Over the years he has been trained in many basic life skills, and simultaneously we took every opportunity to share the Gospel with him by way of example and especially though Biblical education. He started attending worship services and youth meetings. It soon became apparent that God was working in his life. We had the joy of leading him to the Lord in salvation.
Years of discipleship followed, with personal training in servant leadership, leading worship and lay preaching. Sakkie has grown into a young man of God.
He is 19years of age, an orphan, and most vulnerable.
Last year he attended a youth leadership training weekend, which I had the joy of leading. On the Sunday he together with five others followed the Lord though the Waters of baptism…..took place at a stream near the church.
This year he passed through the traditional initiation into manhood according to tribal custom…..he was circumcised by the traditional surgeon, in obedience to the elders of the clan. In order to guard his testimony he negotiated with the elders to miss the graduating ceremony, which is en evil event, and rather have his graduation take place on the Lords Day as part of the worship service. The elders agreed……Hallelujah. Incredible breakthrough. He asked me to preach at his graduation, which I was delighted to do. It was a wonderful Christ exalting, God Glorifying occasion. After the service the congregation provided a celebratory meal for the church members and Sakkies family and friends.
He is presently writing hid final school exams and considering his future. Please pray for him.



Mally and I met Nosikhona, nicknamed “stone”; by all and sundry in the community, about six years ago.
We loved his warm affection for people and most enthusiastic love of life and the seaside where he lives with his family, who show very little interest in his upbringing. His age, at the time, brought about a father a son relationship between him and myself. He became my “fishing gillie’ (Young boy who collects bait and cleans fish).  He is most responsive to my care, leadership, fathering and instruction in the Gospel. We are good friends. He always  tries to please,  and nothing is is to much trouble for him to do.
HOWEVER, THIS DISPOSITION COUPLED WITH HIS GREGARIOUS HAPPY OUTGOING PERSONALITY, results in him having many friends from the community. Tourists to the area soon get to know him and unfortunately many sinful habits are revealed and even encouraged. 
In addition, Stone, like many of us is not going not going to graduate ‘cum laude’. It could be said that he struggles academically. His decision making is not always the most commendable and he is somewhat easily influenced, especially by the crowd/peer group pressure.
His spiritual walk is somewhat “roller coaster”. HOWEVER, we see tremendous potential and love him to “bits”…..He is like a son to me and I do not want him to be lost from the Eternal kingdom.

Strong prayers please for his faith in Christ to be cemented, resulting in an uncompromising consecration to follow Christ faithfully and all the days of his life.  

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