Tuesday, June 16, 2015

10 Church Tour

Dear Macedonian ministries family,

Thank you for your prayers 

Mally and I have just returned safely from a 10 Church Tour of  Obambo(Northern Kwa Zulu Natal) and Mozambique.

Please give thanks to God and rejoice with us :-

1.  Mnqobokazi….This church was only planted a year ago, New Church building with adjoining  rooms completed in January 2015.…..87 gathered (Friday evening) for training and discipleship. PG.

2.  Mbuswana…….On Saturday 41…..pastors, pastors wives, deacons, youth leaders, woman in leadership from the Mbuswana Region met for Leadership Seminar and Ministry from the Word. We were encouraged by their  enthusiasm and unity of purpose.

              Pastor Genius and Kosi

3.      Manzibomvu….The Mother church of the region….Over 200 in the early morning worship service. ……The large number of young people/young adults was gratifying…....Mnqobokazi…..Late morning service….. well attended and enthusiastic for worship and ministry from the Word.

4.      Sodwana…..About 60 attended in their newly built  sanctuary. The regional Zulu Induna (chief) is a member of this congregation.

       Mbuswana……Mally preached at this morning service and  was very encouraged by their hunger and appreciation for the Word of God.

       Mnqobokazi……PM….. Vernon reported on good attendance and enthusiasm for the growth of  this newly planted church.

5.      Msileni……Monday pm….This church plant met in a house…..wall to wall people in the lounge, overflow in the bedrooms. We were able to give them about 400 items of new clothing (factory defects) for their ministry to the large number of sibling families in this area……also Bibles, 300  Gospel’s of John and 200 Booklets for discipleship of new converts. This congregation  has just received permission to build a church on land allocated by the tribal authorities. PG.


6.      Emangusi…….Tuesday pm……About 40 gathered for worship and leadership training. We were encouraged by the faithful leadership in this church and their vision for ongoing growth.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      



7.      Ponta Do Oura…..Wednesday pm……Very well attended prayer meeting (40 plus) followed by Discipleship and Leadership Training. Could not miss that this congregation is made up of mostly young adults and middle age parents with young children. Their English is improving rapidly and it is easier to communicate than a few years ago. There is a growing number of very capable men in leadership..

8.      Padreira…..Pastor rejoicing after recovery from TB, daughter still struggling with epilepsy, ministry challenging is this very harsh environment where poverty abounds. Were able to deliver food grant, clothing, some hardware, Bibles and seed.

9.      Bella Vista……Congregation meets in a grass hut which is able to accommodate about 12 adults…….Larger attendance means they have to gather under a local mango tree…..Pastor Theresa rejoicing in ministry which is growing steadily. Congregation has just received church building site from Mozy Government. Delivered food grant, clothing, Bibles, seed.

10.   Salamunga……Pastor Arturi….also enjoying slow growth in a very difficult ministry region…..The community he ministers to, live alongside the Maputo Elephant Park, which is infested with mosquitoes and is inhabited by very aggressive elephants with bad attitude.  Able to deliver Clothing, food grant, Bibles and seed.

 Had very enthusiastic forward planning meetings with the leadership of both regions. Some very innovative projects are receiving attention for care of pastors, development of leaders, Bible training, and evangelism ( especially among youth)

With thanksgiving to God  for  His abundant blessing on our efforts in Mission.

Thank you for your encouragement and  support for the extension of the Kingdom of God.

Trevor and Marilyn.
Macedonian Ministries




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